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Corporate Council on Africa (Washington, DC)

'Deals & Dialogue' at U.S.-Africa Business Summit 2001

At the third US-Africa Business Summit in Philadelphia November - the largest gathering of African leaders on American soil (outside the United Nations), hundreds of business executives and political big guns from both sides of the Atlantic met to listen to each other and cut deals. "Assistance doesn't mean charity, it means investment" was the mantra of many of the participants in the meeting, and that objective was accomplished,  CCA's chairman, Maurice Tempelsman, said in an AllAfrica intrerview.

President Joseph Kabila, who was recently installed as president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, delivered a keynote address and was also interviewed by AllAfrica during the meeting. Another featured guest was Algeria's President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who received an award for his contribution to the Partnership for African Development (the New African Initiative -- a plan for continental economic and social recovery that he masterminded along with Presidents Thabo Mbeki of South Africa, Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria and Senegal's Abdoulaye Wade).

The Corporate Council on Africa, founded in 1993, convened the first Summit in 1997 in Chantilly, Virginia. The second was held in Houston in 1999.

Corporate Council on Africa

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