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GE Africa (Lagos)

What It Will Take to Make Nigeria Africa's Manufacturing Hub

The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN), the main voice of manufacturers' interests in Nigeria, recently inauguarated the Large Corporation Group, which among other things will come up with policy recommendations for a more conducive economic and social climate for the operation and development of large scale industries in Nigeria. The GE-sponsored event presented ample opportunity for stakeholders to discuss boosting Nigeria's manufacturing sector by fixing the country's power sector. Find out more. More about GE in Africa in this BRIEFING

Haier air conditioning units--with components manufactured in China--are being assembled into the final products in Nigeria for the local market. With rising wages in China, shipping intermediate goods to a destination to be assembled enables Haier to lower labour costs.

Nigeria’s Minister of State for Industry Trade and Investment Dr Aisha Abubakar, The President of the Manufacturer’s Association of Nigeria Dr. Frank S. Udemba Jacobs and Dr Lazarus Angbazo at the inauguration of the Large Corporations Group by the Manufacturers’ Association of Nigeria in Lagos


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