More and More Protests a Warning Sign for South Africa's Govt

Following the introduction of the nationwide lockdown earlier this year, the number of demonstrations in the country has increased dramatically. From March to July, 511 protests were recorded. If political parties don't heed the call to put people first, communities will try to force change through more demonstrations, write Lizette Lancaster and Godfrey Mulaudzi for the Institute for Security Studies. The demonstrations also come amid a crippled economy, and the government receiving U.S.$4.3 Billion from the International Monetary Fund for emergency assistance in stopping the Covid-190 pandemic. Reasons for demonstrations included workers protesting against lockdown restrictions, the management and distribution of food parcels, teachers demanding government close schools, and the illegal evictions of tenants unable to afford rent.


Polar Park, Port Elizabeth residents block Ndzotoyi Street, demanding to be relocated to municipal serviced sites.

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