Mozambique: New Initiative to Boost Crop Yields

A new initiative aims to increase the quality of seeds and will help the country capitalize on its arable land and unlock its potential, says the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Ploughing with an ox.

Onions growing in an irrigated field.

  • Mozambique:   New UN Initiative to Boost Crop Yields

    UN News, 28 December 2011

    A new United Nations initiative in Mozambique aimed at increasing the quality of seeds will help the African country capitalize on its arable land and unlock its potential, the… Read more »

  • Mozambique:   Chinese Technology to Increase Rice Yields

    AIM, 27 December 2011

    Mozambican Prime Minister Aires Ali has challenged the country's young people, as well as its businesses, to increase food production, by banking on the introduction of new… Read more »

  • Mozambique:   240,000 At Risk of Hunger

    AIM, 20 December 2011

    About 240,000 people are in a situation of food insecurity in Mozambique, according to Marcela Libombo, coordinator of the government's Food and Nutritional Security Technical… Read more »

  • Mozambique:   Cashew Master Plan Launched

    AIM, 12 December 2011

    Mozambique's Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Antonio Limbau, on Monday launched in Maputo the Cashew Master Plan for the 2011-2020 period, which seeks to increase cashew nut… Read more »

  • Mozambique:   Orange Sweet Potato a Hit, Say Inventors

    SciDev.Net, 28 November 2011

    Orange sweet potato that has been bred to contain more of a precursor of vitamin A has successfully passed a crucial test of its practical use. Read more »

  • Mozambique:   Guebuza Launches 2011-2012 Agricultural Campaign

    AIM, 24 October 2011

    Mozambican President Armando Guebuza on Sunday stressed that through hard work the country will overcome hunger. Read more »

  • Mozambique:   Government Cuts Wheat Subsidy

    AIM, 7 November 2011

    Falling prices of wheat on the world market have allowed the Mozambican government to cut the subsidy paid to bakers from 125 meticais (4.6 US dollars) to 80 meticais per 50 kilo… Read more »

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