Millions Face Starvation in Zimbabwe

Various factors are leading to a deteriorating food security situation, including erratic rainfall and limited access to agricultural inputs, resulting in an increased dependence of food aid to survive.
  • Zimbabwe:   Food Situation Deteriorating - UN

    UN News, 27 August 2012

    Irregular rains, poor agricultural practices and ongoing economic challenges have pushed Zimbabwe into an increasingly critical food security situation, the United Nations food… Read more »

A woman sells vegetables in Harare: UN World Food Programme says millions of people will need assistance.

  • Zimbabwe:   CCZ Food Basket Costs Less

    The Herald, 9 August 2012

    THE Consumer Council of Zimbabwe's low-income consumer basket for a family of six declined marginally by 0,83 percent in July to US$556,47 from US$561,13 in June. According to the… Read more »

  • Zimbabwe:   Traditional Leaders Warned Against Politicising Food Aid

    MDC, 7 August 2012

    Traditional leaders here have continued to deny food aid to perceived MDC sympathisers despite calls by Prime Minister and MDC President, Hon Morgan Tsvangirai for community… Read more »

  • Zimbabwe:   Grants Best Way to Ensure No One Starves

    The Herald, 8 August 2012

    All countries and all societies have to face the fact that some people, some families, simply cannot support themselves and need help, even to buy food. How this is done has always… Read more »

  • Zimbabwe:   1,7 Million Face Starvation

    Financial Gazette, 1 August 2012

    THE Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment (ZimVAC) July 2012 report on food needs in the country indicates that 19 percent of the rural households are projected to be food insecure in… Read more »

  • Zimbabwe:   Food Aid Needs Rise By 60 Percent in One Year

    SW Radio, 27 July 2012

    Zimbabwe's food aid needs have risen by 60% in the past year, with almost two million people in need of foreign aid contributions to survive the coming 'lean' season. Read more »

  • Zimbabwe:   1.6 Million Will Need Food Aid, Says UN

    UN News, 27 July 2012

    An estimated 1.6 million people are likely to need food assistance in the coming "hunger season" from January to March in Zimbabwe, according to a new report released today by the… Read more »

  • Zimbabwe:   Food Shortages Will Hit 1.6 Million

    WFP, 27 July 2012

    A new report on food needs in Zimbabwe says that nearly one in five rural people in the country - an estimated 1.6 million people - are likely to need food assistance during the… Read more »


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