How Closure of TV Stations Narrowed Kenya's Democratic Space

The closure of three leading television stations on January 30 to stop the live broadcast of  the "swearing-in" of National Super Alliance leader, Raila Odinga, as the "people's president" points to the kind of political repression that does not auger well for democracy. By doing it, the government rolled back much of the democratic space that Kenyans fought so hard to achieve, writes George W. Gathigi for The Conversation.

Mzee Benjamin Nyangasi switches off his TV set which can no longer receive any signal after the government shut down analogue broadcasts.

  • Kenya:   State Must Follow Law in Crackdown

    Nation, 7 February 2018

    The government is sending the wrong signal when it decides which laws and court orders to obey and which ones to ignore. In a democracy, adherence to the rule of law and respect… Read more »

  • Kenya:   Government Crackdown Threatens Rights

    HRW, 7 February 2018

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