Humanitarian Organisations Gain Access to Tigray Refugees

The United Nations has reached agreement with Ethiopian authorities to gain humanitarian access to refugees in need urgent assistance in areas of the embattled Tigray region that are controlled by Ethiopian forces. This breakthrough comes as Eritrean refugees trapped in the Tigray region have run out of food and other basics, according to the UNHCR. Although Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has said fighting in the Tigray capital Mekelle has ended, the conflict is reportedly continuing in serveral parts of the region. The leader of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), Debretsion Gebremichael, said "we are sure we'll win" International calls for an end to the fighting has not borne any fruit. The Reuters news agency is quoting sources as saying that four Ethiopian aid workers employed by two separate foreign organizations were killed in Tigray near the border with Eritrea last month.

Ethiopian refugees fleeing clashes in the country's northern Tigray region cross the border into Hamdayet, Sudan.


Ethiopian refugees fleeing clashes in the Tigray region cross the border into Sudan (file photo).

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